Global research team looking for partners

In Oude berichten by Frvan Dijk

For the last four years we have been studying Cultural Intelligence in Eastern Europe, as a joint US-European research team. As an outgrowth of that work the research now is expanding to study global teams. Therefore we are looking for potential subjects (e.g. teams) for this research who can come from academia, non-profit or business sectors. At this stage, we are still developing the methodology of our global teams research, and therefore are also interested in getting in touch with colleagues working on the same or similar topic.
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Research Background: New staffing and organizational needs have been influenced by the diversification of teams. In this context, global or multinational teams have members from different countries and cultures. Although they are not necessarily geographically distributed, global teams are often also global virtual teams with members scattered around the world. Therefore our research will focus on both global and global virtual teams.

Research Components: The most evident characteristic of such teams are cross-cultural aptitudes, including communication and negotiation, intercultural competencies, etc. The combination of these traits is best described as “cultural intelligence” (CQ) — the ability to function successfully in different cultural contexts, which contributes to resolving group relationships.

Research Focus: The study will focus on leadership of global teams and explore aspects such as managing complexity, diversity, social and geographic distances of global teams, etc., and the impact of these characteristics on building team relations and team effectiveness. Of special interest are global teams in or linked to the European context.

Should you be interested in collaborating in this research, or if you can recommend subjects or other colleagues working on this topic, or if you have an idea which could help us identify an appropriate environment for our research, please get in touch with me, Dr. R. Boyd Johnson, at and my colleague, Diana Mirza Grisco, at

We appreciate your collegial help and look forward to your ideas and feedback.

Boyd Johnson, Diana Mirza-Grisco, T. Maletksa