Webinar by Annelie Wambeek: “Is a burnout a cultural phenomenon? It was for me!”

In by Frvan Dijk

Kaart niet beschikbaar
13 april 2021
07:30 - 20:45 UTC+1

Annelie was an Interculturalist long before she even knew what it meant. Born in Sweden, part Sri Lankan, part English, with Dutch ancestors, Annelie was raised as a true Third Culture Kid. With an academic background in Sociology and Cultural Studies and an MSC in International Relations, she now understands that these choices weren’t random, but fed into her innate passion for bridging, crossing and examining cultures. Annelie currently works within Compliance in the Financial Sector in Amsterdam, while also exploring culture within the corporate world. Having previously worked in quality management, tourism, an NGO, and a foreign policy think tank; she truly values effective cross-cultural communication, whatever the field. Annelie is currently in the process of completing her certification in Brain, Mind and Culture, a fascinating exploration of neuroscience and culture, with the Japan Intercultural Institute and is an active (and recent) member of SIETAR Netherlands. People and human interaction energise her!
“Having lived in the Netherlands for the last 4 years, I have learnt many new things, but none would be as life-changing as the word burnout. Today (in Europe), burnouts and burnout culture have become a true phenomenon. I never expected that this was something that could happen to me – and when it did it made me (re)think a lot. If you Google ‘burnout culture’, you’ll find thousands of articles and new research coming out daily… but what I’m interested in are burnout and culture. 
– What made me (mistakenly) think this was a ‘Western’ phenomenon? 
– Is it a ‘luxury problem’? 
– Do I have the right to burnout? (Spoiler, I was wrong!) 
I look forward to sharing my journey from burnout to Interculturalist with you, and hearing your perspectives on this as well!
You can register here for Annelie’s webinar.
The webinar will be held in English, but participants are free to ask questions or comment in Dutch as well.