
Membership in SietarNL offers all kinds of benefits. Here you can read more about what Sietar has to offer.

What is my investment?

Registering is don through the links below:

  • Standard (€ 115,- for period 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024)
  • Student (1st year for free, then € 50,- for period 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024)
    • Please provide a student card or enrolment papers.
  • Institute ( € 600,- for period 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024)
    • Maximum 6 people from 1 organisation.
    • One collective bill will be sent out to the organisation. In the event of staff changes, new people can be designated in place of the old members.
    • If you are interested in joining Sietar as an institute, please contact

How can I sign up?

  • You sign up by filling out the right form above.
  • You will receive an invoice with a payment link.
  • If you become a member after 1 July, you pay half the annual fee.

Are the above membership forms not suitable?
Would you like to become a member of SietarNL, but for some reason the above mentioned forms of membership do not suit you? Please send an email to our Secretary ( We are an inclusive association and will look into the possibilities together. We hope to welcome you as a new Sietar member!

How do I end my membership?
Membership runs per calendar year. Of course we hope that you will remain a member. If you do not wish to renew your membership, you should let us know no later than December 1. Please send an email to You will receive a confirmation of your cancellation.

Your membership will remain valid until December 31 of the current year. After that, your data will be removed from our files. We will only add your email address to our external mailing list, so you can stay informed about our events. Of course you can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.