Kick-off webinar by Lida van den Broek: The first in a series of webinars about racism.
Lida van den Broek is an organizational anthropologist who specializes in ethnic diversity and change management. She has been working in this field for about 40 years as a trainer, advisor, and researcher.
Lida’s new book “Wit is nu aan zet” (“It’s White’s turn”) will be published on the 20th of October. During the launch week, a short video will be posted every day on LinkedIn and Facebook to answer questions about the book. A Webinar on the transformative dialogue will be organized on the 21st of October at 8 p.m. You can sign up for the webinar by sending an email to
This first webinar on racism has kicked off a series of webinars on the topic. The pilot webinar had been shaped as an interactive Zoom session, that saw a well-attended crowd of 35+ participants, both members, and non-members of SIETAR.
During the webinar, we discussed the meaning of racism and various terminology that are often used in the dialogue surrounding racism. Questions such as “how do we deal with definitions or how do we want to deal with them”; “In what forms does racism still (frequently) occur in this day and age”; and “why is it so difficult to talk about racism” played a central role in the webinar. During the presentation, Lida addressed several forms of racism to create a clear picture of the way they take shape in society. She made the (well-known) distinction between institutional and everyday racism, but also between a lesser-known
traditional and modern racism.
What emerged throughout the online session is the desire to treat others equally and the daily reality of inequality and (unconscious) anti-equality thought processes. This first webinar in the series brought us a lot of valuable information, self-reflection, and many interesting questions, thoughts, and discussion points. Plenty of conversation starters
for the upcoming webinars!