Modern Russia: Destroying myths and stereotypes

In by Friso

Kaart niet beschikbaar
16 februari 2021
18:00 - 19:00 UTC+1

“A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”, that’s how Britain’s former prime minister Winston Churchill once described Russia. A lot of water has flown under the bridge ever since, but for a lot of people outside of Russia, it still is a distant cold and difficult to understand the country where no one ever smiles. But what is modern Russia really like today? Who are its people? What are they like and are they really different from the rest of the world?
Marina Dzhashi is a cross-cultural consultant from Russia. She has lived in the UK, US, India, and Japan. Her professional interests lie in the field of international business and cross-cultural communication. She holds MA degrees in Linguistics, International Journalism, MBA, and Business Psychology. She conducts training sessions, seminars, and master-classes at Russian leading business schools and also consults state and private companies wanting to go global. Marina created a radio show on cross-cultural communication in a business where she talks to people who lived, studied, or worked abroad and who can share their successes and lessons in international communication with a wider audience.
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