CONFERENCE: 17th IMISCOE Annual Conference ‘Crossing Borders, connecting cultures’ (Luxembourg)

In by Frvan Dijk

Kaart niet beschikbaar
30 juni 2020 - 2 juli 2020
Hele dag

There is a call for a panel titled: Shrinking regions as welcoming spaces: opportunities and challenges of attracting migrants for revitalization. More information about the conference can be found here.

This conference proposes to zoom deeper into people’s migration experiences by foregrounding how migration is connected to culture. We will explore the nexus ofmigration and culture in more depth asking how migration is lived, experienced, mediated, and reflected through everyday cultural and artistic practice. Thereby we seek to deepen our understanding of the complexity and diversity of migration experiences on the one hand, and the possibilities of connecting different migrant experiences and groups of people on the other.
Keynote speakers:
Dr. Jaan Valsiner
Dr. Mulki Al-Sharmani