In Actueel filmnieuws by Frvan Dijk

Down to Earth mocht de Kristallen filmprijs ontvangen bij het bereiken van 10.000 bezoekers. Inmiddels zijn ze de 50.000 bezoekers voorbij en de film staat al wekenlang in de lijst van 20 best bezochte films. Op TV, radio en in de landelijke dagbladen en magazines verschenen interviews met Rolf en Renata. En sommige van de boekingen in filmhuizen in januari zijn alweer uitverkocht!

Leaving the rat race behind, a family of five embarks on the journey of a lifetime. They travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. During five years on six continents they seek out tribal sages never filmed or interviewed before. 
DOWN to EARTH reveals the deep wisdom they found and its power to transform lives.

Leaving the rat race behind, a family of five embarks on the journey of a lifetime. They travel the ends of the earth searching for a new perspective on life. During five years on six continents they seek out tribal sages never filmed or interviewed before. 
DOWN to EARTH reveals the deep wisdom they found and its power to transform lives.” 

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